This tutorial show how to restore playstation2 condition which:
- Can’t read DVD game
- Just play browser
- No data
- Sometimes can read sometimes didn’t
- Only read cd format
All this indication because the lens of playstation2 is to weak for read dvd game.
Note: all risks are handling by yourself, so do it all action carefully.
First open the cover of bold like picture above. Usually there are 8 bold.
This picture is after the upper casing open. Now open the DVD rom cover.
For SCPH 1xxxx – 3xxxx the bold are 4 pcs , and for SCPH 5xxxx just 2 pcs.
This pic after the cover is open. Now plug the power cable and switch on the console. Open the tray and switch off the power from switch behind the console and let the tray is open. Unplug the cable power.
Now release the lens of ps2 console. For type SCPH 1xxxx – 3xxxx there is a bold for the rail. For type SCPH 5xxxx like the picture up there, open the metal which hold lens handle. Then release the lens flexible carefully.
Before we put the lens off, look the lens setting. Don’t change anything yet. The picture upper is standard setting for SCPH 5xxxx.
After we put the lens off, now open the cover using pin set. Open it carefully.
The picture above show lens without it cover, and its type KSH 400B/C. Now use cotton bud and little lens cleaner liquid for clean the lens.
Clean it carefully, don’t push so hard on the lens.
Open the bold of lens spool. Than clean the lens below the spool
After that, place the spool like before also the lens cover. Then put the lens on to your PS2 console. When you put the lens, be careful with the flexible, it must straight. Now we can test it, switch on your consol and put the DVD. Watch the laser, it must directly focus and not blink first.
If the lasers blink first, it can read well. For that we can reset the laser.
For that we can set the bold below the lens. Turn the upper bold clock wise about 15-30 degrees, don’t over 30 degrees. If this action can’t make the laser directly focus, than you should change your PS2 lens.
That’s it, now you can repair your ps2 by yourself. I’m sorry if my English so bad and I hope this tutorial can help you all. Remember every risk for action is yours. I’m not responsible for the risks, so do it all carefully.
wah, makasih banget dah share tentang cara perbaiki ps2 ini.
BalasHapussekarang gak perlu jauh² tuk ngebetulinnya, karena sekarang saiya akan belajar memperbaiki sendiri ps2 punya saiya :)