The flooding text above using syntax like below.....
<marquee behavior="scroll" bgcolor="white" width= "400" height="20"> Do you want to know how to make this text? </marquee>
Marquee is command in HTML for flooding text in HTML page. Syntax is <marquee [properties]>….text/item…</marquee>.
The table below is properties of marquee and its values. So if you want to learn marquee command just try the properties and value show on below.
Properties | Value |
Behavior | Techniques from marquee to run the text, value are slide, scroll, and alternate. |
Direction | Up, down, right, left. |
Height | Value in pixel or percent (%). |
Width | Value in pixel or percent (%). |
Continously | Default is always repeat the technique but if you want to define how many times text scroll or slide just input the number you want. |
Bgcolor | Color of marquee background, value is color or hex number. |
Style | Ability to define font, paragraph, border, numbering and position. |
Here is another example....
The command I use for this like below...
<marquee behavior="scroll" bgcolor="white" width= "300" height="150" direction="down"> Using direction=down and different size </marquee>
Edited on 22 August 08 for my blogger friends ^_^ Arjaeuse
Here is another example again.. but this time useful for yours blog link...
The command I use for that like below....
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" direction="up" width="95%" scrollamount="3" onmouseout="this.start()" height="300" align="center"><a href="">this Link to my blog</a></marquee>
This section edited on 24 August 08 request by my blogger friend Miss Anik...
Now we try to use an image ....
The command is like below....
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" width= "400" height="200"> <img src="my image LINK code"> </marquee>
Interesting isn't it?
hello.. my friend.. thanks 4 posting up this entry.. yeah.. I'll be putting this 2 my blogs site asap because 4 now I'm planning to change my template... tyvm... :) keep it up! I save ur site 2 my booksmark.. :) thanks again..
BalasHapusThank You...
BalasHapusI've put it at my blog...Keep up the good work!