
Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

Photoshop Tutorial: NeoN TexT

This section is like my other post before about make banner for your blog. But it have a different result. May be this can be alternate if you want to make your banner easier. Let see the tutorial…
You can download it here... or keep reading More...

1. Create new file with dimension 400x120 pixels and resolution: 100 pixel/inch. Press D button on your keyboard to reset Photoshop color to default. Fill background layer with black color use ALT+DEL.

2. Activate Horizontal Type Tool and type your text. Use Verdana as font with size 42 pt and Style: Bold Italic. After you set font, style and size then now hide background layer. Click on the eye icon of background layer to hide it. Now you may type your text and press CTRL + Enter if you done.

3. Still working on text layer, double click text layer on layer palette to show Blending option dialog box. Choose on Outer Glow and define Blend Mode: Screen, Opacity: 75%, color: #0071BC, Technique: Softer, Spread: 0, Size: 43.

4. Press CTRL + J to create duplicate of text layer. Double click on text layer copy to show Blending Option dialog box. Choose on Inner Glow, then define Blend Mode: Screen, Opacity: 75%, color:#0071BC, Technique: Softer, Source: Edge, Choke: 0 and Size: 10.

5. Click eye icon of background layer to unhide it. Now create new layer and the new layer must automatically name Layer 1. Bring the layer 1 to the top on layer palette. Change layer 1 blending mode to Color Dodge.

6. Last step, on menu choose Filter>Render>Clouds. Repeat this step until you got image that you want. My result like image below.

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